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Narrabri Business Directory

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Linwood Tree Nursery

Kate Schwager 0 12231 Article rating: 4.6

Linwood Trees
PO Box 
Burren Junction NSW 2386
0427 480596

Linwood Tree Nursery is a family-owned and operated native tree nursery located in North West NSW, situated between Burren Junction and Walgett.
Linwood Tree Nursery is a dedicated supplier of native tree and shrub seedlings suitable for large scale revegetation projects and the home garden.  Our emphasis is on producing stock suitable for hot and dry landscapes.
Using tube stock and the hiko cell system our seedlings are propagated and grown in our custom-built greenhouse from locally collected seed.
As we are a farming enterprise ourselves we understand the need for a whole farm management system and the importance of incorporating vegetation back into the environment.
Contact us if you would like to place an order, visit our nursery or if you would like further information.